Thursday, November 5, 2009

Is Waterboarding Torture Or Enhanced Interrogation?

Enhanced interrogation? Are you kidding? You can give it a fancy name, but in the end, it translates as torture. Should the United States use such a practice of waterboarding, should the occasion arrive in which captured terrorists would refuse to talk to possibly give information to save innocent lives?

What is waterboarding? Up until just recently, I had no idea what waterbording was, until I saw the video (link is below) I was thinking of embedding the video here in this blog, I changed my mind after watching it. On that video, even when the person volunteered to have it done to him and showed what waterboarding is, I could not stand, it brought tears to my eyes. The video is graphic, or at least to me it is. Please do not see if you do not have to. Link.

To me, waterboarding as any other torture, is an act that goes against what I believe in. It's the opposite of compassion. It is morally wrong. If math taught me anything is that when adding two negatives, you do not get a positive. I do believe it is also unconstitutional. It is just a terrible thing to do. I might be labeled as weak individual and not knowing much about reality, but that is my opinion. I do not know exactly what someone under going waterboarding torture feels like, but the thought of knowing death is coming is most horrific in this life. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy.

I'm just glad, that I am not the only one thinking this way. Take a look at the video below:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

When Babies Or Children Die, Do They Go To Hell Or Heaven?

I think this question is kinda hard to answer. I think that a lot of people would want to believe that babies or children who die, all go to heaven. I am sorry if it sounds hard, but I think not all babies go to heaven.

Ok. so you might be thinking, why not all babies or children go to heaven, if they are innocent of everything. The fact is that, they too carry the seed of sin in them. When we are born, we inherit the sin from our past ancestors going all the way back to Adam and Eve. (This also explains why Jesus was without sin, because he was not conceived by man) There is nothing we can do about it, but to accept it. (Please view this Youtube Video of a brother in Christ here)

Do all Babies and children who die, go to hell then? The answer is, No.
Then how does God decide which babies go to hell and which babies go to heaven?

It is simple, It all depends on the parents or guardians of the baby or child. There are many examples in the bible, especially in the old testament that makes me believe parents and guardians play a big role when it comes to their child's salvation.

Lot is a good example, when he was told to leave Sodom and Gomorrah because the cities were to be destroyed (because the sin of the people was too great), as instructed by God, Lot took his family, this includes his children out of the city before it was destroyed by God. All other children along with the adults in the cities were annihilated.

This means that children can be saved if there is a Christian parent. One who can protect their baby by praying to the Lord Jesus.

I am sorry to say that babies who are born from atheists parents (for example), are not going to heaven unless they repent. You know that as long as there is life, there is hope. One can turn away from sin, and be in a good relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. He has loved us, his creation, his creatures, and wants to save us all. If you have a bible at home, read it. You shall find amazing secrets there.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Same Sex Marriage Is Wrong

Same sex marriage is wrong. Sorry to say, but marriage is only between man and woman, no other alternatives. Marriage has been established since the dawn of humankind, and its defined as a union between man and woman. It is that simple!

Gay community might argue about that it is all about their rights being taken away. That somehow even now in the 21st century, we are not all equal. much like when women were oppressed and not allowed to vote at one time. But in reality that is not the issue here. The issue is that gay is not natural. If it was natural then we would all be gay from the start. God would have created only man to procreate with another man, and woman to procreate with another woman. or maybe he should have just created one type of sex and save himself the trouble of creating two types of individuals on earth. I do not want to sound like I am a gay basher, I do somehow think it is important to keep the rules of marriage intact forever.

What do I mean by intact forever? The definition of marriage should not ever change in 10, or 100, or billions years. Let democracy be with limits, and not stir our ancestors traditions, and how God wanted it to be. That will prevent if a case happens of a new future generation wanting to define marriage as it can also be between humans and animals. It will not fly, because it will be intact. You can't change the rules just because a group of people have stood up, and demanded it.

I do not generalize and say gay people are all bad people. That is not so. In the world there are good people and bad people no matter their gender or sex orientation. In fact, I did see an episode of the Jerry Springer show (quite long ago) Where there was a person who declared himself as gay. but said he was fighting with his urges. because he believes in God and Jesus, and wanted to change. I was watching with my mouth wide open. I imagine it is nearly impossible to change from gay to straight. I also think that God in heaven must be so proud of him for his strong conviction.

Same Sex Marriage In The United States

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Does God Exist?

Yes, most definitely. How can I know? Well, if I say that there is a God who is loving and is the God the bible describes, it is what I believe. I am not forcing my believes onto others. Just sharing my thinking.

Why do I believe there is a God?
I think there are many signs that proves the existence of God. The main one for us humans, is the creation of the Universe. I look at the clouds, the night and day, how everything is well coordinated for the entire humanity to live and function. Now if I use logic, it would tell me that such specific details could not come from nothing or the "big bang".